.. soucevi1_dist_chat documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Mon Jan 21 15:04:17 2019. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. soucevi1_dist_chat ================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: tutorial usage modules This program is a semestral project on MI-PYT and MI-DSV courses at FIT CTU in Prague. It is implemented in Python 3.7 and uses `AsyncIO `_. Since a few new AsyncIO features were used in this program, it is necessary to have **Python 3.7 or higher** to run it. This application is a CLI chat room program. However, it does not use a simple server-client way. All nodes are clients, any node can be a server from this point of view. The chatroom is a network ring (a node only knows its *next* and *previous* node), however all nodes know the *leader* node (chat coordinator) as well in order to send it a message. The first node that creates the chatroom is automtically its *leader*. When the *leader* dies or logs out, the new *leader* is elected using `Chang-Roberts leader election algorithm `_. Installation ============ The program is uploaded on `PyPI `_. For the newest version, just type:: $ python -m pip install soucevi1_dist_chat For any specific version, type:: $ python -m pip install soucevi1_dist_chat== You can also clone and use the `GitHub repository `_. Example usage ============= If you installed the program, you can create the room and chat! Chatroom creation is very simple. You only need to run the leader node:: $ soucevi1_dist_chat -l -n Name -a -p 12345 The command above will run the leader node (``-l``) on IP address ```` and port ``12345`` with username ``Name``. The leader will listen and as soon as some other node makes a connection to it, the chat will start. Then, you can start another node that will connect to the running leader:: $ soucevi1_dist_chat -n Name2 -a -p 54321 -na -np 12345 This node is run by a user called ``Name2`` on ````. As you can see, non-leader nodes need an address and a port of any node that is already participating in the chat in order to join the chatroom. If you want to read more about usage, read :ref:`ref-tutor`. More about the inner implementation is in :ref:`ref-impl`. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`